Friday, January 4, 2013

What have you done today that made you feel or be Vulnerable?

Of course it all depends on your definition of the word Vulnerable. The 'older' dictionaries present vulnerability as a weakness, as something that you do not want to show because if you do, 'you let yourself open to censure and criticism; or worse, of being physically and emotionally wounded'. These definitions are very dispiriting and demoralizing; enough to remove confidence from someone and create among them a sort of passivity. That's when the hiding starts. Vulnerability is truly a very empowering word. Vulnerability allows you to be who you truly are. Vulnerability is the ability to step up to your true self all-ways. Vulnerability is part of the experience that makes you the beautiful being that you are. Vulnerability is to dare be you in your authenticity.
I totally stepped out of my comfort zone when I wrote my book Soar with Vulnerability. I have open my heart all the way and will continue to do so through this blog. I will share more of me and in turn, learn more about you. Therefore, I am inviting you to join me in this new adventure and post your comments, your insights, your moments. Let's start a vulnerable conversation...source of our greatest strength. Let's get Curious and Be Outrageous together.